We are so glad to have you join us on this journey of getting to know God and spreading His Word. Now that you’re part of the THC Family, let’s get you connected!
Your next step is to attend New Members Class. This is a 30 minute virtual class that everyone takes to help them get to know THC and make the most of their membership. You will take a deep dive into...
Our Culture
Our History
Our Mission
What We Believe
and more...
Simply set up your E-School account, sign up for the New Members Class and in a few easy steps, your learning has begun!
Have any questions about New Members Class. You can talk to one of our team members at Connection Central in the THC lobby or shoot us an email at
One of the best ways to stay connected is to come to our weekly services and family group sessions. These times together allow us to learn, grow and engage together as a family on this Christian journey.
Our Sunday Worship Experience happens every week at 10:00am in the THC Worship Center. This is where you get a spiritual refresh, get your battle instructions and discover better ways to apply God's principles to all that you do.
Take a deep dive into the The Bible every 2nd Wednesday at 7:00pm during what we like to call Wednesday Word. Take notes as we explore The Word together using a group study methodology called midrash.
We believe in making connections that change lives, which is why we have family groups for everyone in your household! To learn more about these groups and their schedules, check out our Family Groups page.
Serving together is a major part of how we connect with each other and grow The Kingdom. After all, it takes a lot of people to create successful worship services, bible studies and family events!
We also believe that serving is a biblical mandate, as we are all called to use our God-given gifts and talents to spread the Gospel. That's why we consider serving to be an integral part of the THC culture.
So what's your team?